You are engaged! You are happy! You have a new, gorgeous ring and the promise of a life long partner! You're getting married! You start looking for a venue, caterer, dress, jewelry, florist, a photographer...
It's a lot.
A wedding is one of the few things in life that you, as a bride, are expected to pull off flawlessly having had no eduction, no training, and limited experience all while combating close to 10 million conflicting opinions.
I am here to help!

I am Aspynn of Aspynn Tabor Photography and I believe your photographer should work hard for YOU! They should go beyond the lines of what a photographer should do for YOU! Of course, they should capture the day, take great photos, and charm your family members into holding still for just one more group shot! But...
Your photographer has some secret weapons! Here's a list of 5 Things your wedding photographer can and should be doing for you:
1. Wedding Day Expert
Surprise Ladies! Your photographer has been actively involved in multiple weddings! Many times, actually! Some even hundreds of times!
This is something many brides know, but few pause to see this as a resource rather than an endorsement of beautiful galleries. Your photographer/wedding expert knows that it may take your sweet sister twice as long to do your makeup than a professional makeup artist. We know that you maybe should consider something other than hydrangeas in your bouquet, if you are doing a first look and will have them out of water all day. We know how to divert all the lovely great Aunt Jills away from touching your hair after your stylist walks out the door (if you'd like us to, of course). We have been there, not just for our own wedding (hence the hydrangea thought), but for many clients' weddings as well! Ask your photographer for help or thoughts. Your photographer should want to help you and be your wedding day expert!
Ultimately, though, your photographer should not edit your vision or give unwanted advice about your perfect vision if you don't ask for it. We are here for you!

2. Timeline Builder
One thing your family and everyone+their dog wants to know is, "When can I arrive at the venue and see you?!" When should your bridesmaids arrive? What about the groom? Your hair and makeup artist? Your florist? What about? When? Can I? Too early? Too late?
BOOM! Your photographer knows!
Your photographer should be working with you to create a perfectly detailed timeline that matches both your expectations and the reality of your dream wedding day. We plan ahead and plan early, so the day of your wedding can be as easy and relaxed as possible!
If you've hired a planner, let your photographer know so that they can coordinate schedules to both help serve you best!

3. Relationship Agent
Your photographer should be a friendly face with a kind soul. This includes a friendly face to you, to your soon-to-be spouse, to your almost-mother-in-law, to your caterer, to your venue owner, and the list goes on and on!
Because we are this way, we know and grow relationships with many of the people in and associated with our industry! The wedding industry!
If your DJ flakes on you, we have ideas or access to one or two alternatives for you!
If you are having trouble finding a florist, guess what? We know some!
Are you having trouble finding a venue that fits in with your vision? We not only have a Pinterest board of venues, but are friends with some of the local venue owners!
Let us help you create your dream day by using our contacts!

4. Readable Contract
Your photographer should have a contract for you to see, read, and sign! A contract is not just for our protection, but sets up expectations and conduct for your wedding day and protects YOU. It is a red flag if you never see a contract!
Though my contract is long, it is easy to read! Your photographer should not have a contract that you have to hire a lawyer read over and understand. It should be simple, straight forward, and cover most things that may happen on your wedding day.
For example, my contract states that you will receive 40+ photos per hour I am at your wedding.
In that simple sentence you now have an expectation:
You know what I will do for you (by giving you the minimum amount of photos you will receive per hour)
You know what I can do for you (like give you more photos per hour)
You know how many photos you can expect to receive on your wedding day total (based on how many hours I will be with you)
The contract, also, sets up conduct for issues. These issues include situations like, if your photographer becomes ill on your wedding day or has a personal emergency. This is one of the protections for YOU that I have in my contract.
Be sure to read your contract throughly and ask any questions before signing your photographer's contract!

5. Overall Helper
Ultimately, if your photographer can't help you bring your vision to life... They should willingly help you find someone who can!
Two hundred ninety-six.
That is how many "active" LLC and sole proprietorship photographers there are in Oklahoma based off of the Oklahoma Secretary of State's website. Aspynn Tabor Photography is legally Aspynn Tabor Photography, LLC. And, man, am I excited you are here and I hope you choose me!
But, I know that I and my editing style are not everyone's cup of tea.
Maybe you like a more moody and dark editing style? I have a girl to send you to!
Maybe you like a lighter and more airy editing style? I have a girl to send you to, too!
Maybe you like true to color editing styles with a little vibrance to enhance your colors and dance across printed mediums? That's me! I'm your girl!
No matter who you choose to capture your wedding day,
I am always happy to help you!
Thank you for reading and leave your comments below! I would love to hear what you think your wedding photographer should do for you!
The Trailblazing Tog
Aspynn Tabor
Western Oklahoma Adventure Photographer
